The neighborhood I lived which was the Murder Dubbs was a good neighborhood I liked it a lot because I Like it a lot because i know everyone around there. Once i moved to the other neighborhood is different know I stay in deep East Oakland is worse People are different. Like I just haven't got use to that are. But I think that I will or maybe not I do like it but not as much as my old neighborhood. Oakland is a good city i like it a lot because there is something fun to do its not like other cities were its to calm and if you do something people call the cops. For example I Put music really loud like around midnight my neighbors don't even trip. I have cousins who live in other quiet cities and if you put music at ten they are already trippen. I think that Oakland people are less delicate then in other areas here. This city is Not just a bad City people only talk about the bad things about it but there is also many good things about it. Oakland is the Home of the Athletics, Raiders, and Warriors. They are moving the Oakland Athletics to Fremont I think that is a very bad idea bacasue that team is From Oakland and we have a Basketball and football team and now we are going to loose the baseball team. I am a big fan of the oakland Athletics and i think that it is very sad they are moving them.
I think that this is a good Reflection because what you wrote about you living in the Dubbs and then moving to a different area is true becaue were i live you can only have music until 10pm but if its a party it don't matter but people do trip sometimes and they do the same thing too.
wats wrong wit da deep jaja. its koo do its a koo reflection
it was good living in da dubbs it depends were u go, man it is sad that the az are moving to fremont. that really sucks
its a good reflection it true about wat u say about moving to a different nieborhood because uyou got use to hood u stood in before
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